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The Benefits of Using Self-Storage to Streamline Your Move

Moving to a new house is an exciting chapter in life, but the process itself can be overwhelming and stressful. The logistical challenges of packing, transporting, and unpacking belongings can make even the most organised individuals feel a bit frazzled. Thankfully, there’s a solution that can simplify your move and alleviate some of the stress: self-storage.

At Gilmorton Storage, this month’s blog looks at using self storage for moving. For information about our storage units, call us in Leicester on 01455 209 209.

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Gilmorton Lodge Farm
Gilmorton Rd
Ashby Magna
LE17 5NA

TEL: 01455 209 209
MOB: 07815 013 883

Decluttering & Space Optimisation

Moving provides a golden opportunity to declutter your belongings. Self-storage allows you to take a closer look at what you truly need and what you can live without. As you pack, you can set aside items that you want to keep but may not have immediate use for in your new space.

By moving these items to a storage unit, you’ll free up valuable space in your new home and prevent it from becoming cluttered before you even settle in.

Flexible Transition

Moving often comes with uncertainties, such as overlapping leases or delays in the construction of your new home. Self-storage offers the flexibility to store your items for short or extended periods.

Whether you need storage for a few days, weeks, or months, you can easily adjust your storage duration to align with your moving timeline.

Simplified Packing & Unpacking

Packing for a move is a meticulous process that requires careful planning and execution. Self-storage allows you to pack items gradually, without feeling rushed. As you prepare for your move, you can transport packed boxes directly to the storage unit, creating a smoother packing process overall.

Similarly, upon arriving at your new home, you can gradually retrieve items from storage, reducing the pressure to unpack everything at once.

Protection for Valuables

During a move, valuable or fragile items can easily get damaged due to the chaos of packing, loading, and unloading. Self-storage units often provide climate control and security features that help protect your belongings from extreme temperatures, humidity, pests, and theft.

This added layer of protection ensures your items remain in the same condition as when you left them.

Hour round the clock security.
Acres available on our site.
Moving Day

Reduced Stress on Moving Day

The day of the move can be chaotic, with movers coming and going, boxes being loaded onto trucks, and a general sense of urgency. By using self-storage, you can ease the stress on moving day by having a portion of your items already safely stored away.

This way, you can focus on coordinating the move without worrying about the safety of every single item.

Downsizing Transition

If you’re downsizing to a smaller home, you might need time to assess which belongings you can comfortably fit in your new space. Self-storage allows you to make this transition at your own pace.

You can decide what to keep in your new home and what to keep in storage, providing a seamless downsizing experience.

Find Out More

For more information about our self storage, contact Gilmorton Storage. Call us in Leicester on 01455 209 209. Alternatively, send us a message via our contact form and we’ll be in touch.

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